
19 June 1976

9. Thailand denies official approval of resistance activities to the Khmer Rouge.

10. @amnesty appealed to Khmer Rouge President Khieu Samphan to make inquiries into allegations of executions, receiving no response.

8. Defence minister Son Sen presents a plan to the Khmer Rouge Standing Committee to build a weapons factory with Chinese military aid and technicians. It is agreed to build the factory near PhnomPenh and pay for it with shiploads of rubber and rice out of Kompong Som.

7. As Kong Horth was able to provide adequate proof from Cambodia’s embassy in Paris that he could enter Cambodia, US embassy provided him with a return flight via Beijing. Although he served in Lon Nol’s army, he said he has nothing to fear, as his entire family are peasants. https://t.co/9kya5SkvS0
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6. @StateDept doesn’t want Prince Sihanouk’s 4th son Norodom Chakrapong (file) to emigrate to the US. Studying in Belgrade, Chakrapong had asked the US embassy informally via an American student friend, because of the Khmer Rouge’s demand for all overseas students to return. https://t.co/Qng6BnL9IV
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5. SON Sary alias Prev, a suspected traitor, was killed outside S-21 premises by Duch’s deputy Hor. Duch noted that Hor could have been executed for smashing someone without his permission.
Khmer Rouge Defence Minister SON Sen personally reprimanded Hor for acting prematurely.

3. 17 Vietnamese prisoners were executed at S-21.

4. CHAN Chakrei alias Mean, Secretary of Division 170, was arrested, following large-scale internal purges because of April’s grenade explosion in PhnomPenh.

A recap on what happened in Cambodia in May 1976 under the Khmer Rouge:

1. Cambodia establishes diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level with the Philippines (5th), Singapore (6th), Denmark (20th), Peru (31th).

2. Khmer Rouge put off Vietnam to negotiate a border treaty.

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